The Finish Line Portrait
The Finish Line Portrait Project began in 2004. I saw a unique opportunity to make photos where none had before. Typical running photos are photojournalism, "Patagonia Pictorialism" (which they do very well), and casual snapshots.
I make the portraits in a mobile studio. I shoot black and white, using a near-vintage medium format Hasselblad 500C. My experiences as a 100-mile finisher are essential, and knowledge of the sport's conventions and customs are critical. I make the shot, usually in less than 60 seconds.
My photo reference points are RIchard Avedon, Diane Arbus, August Sander, Gary Winogrand, and a little Helmut Newton.
In my ultra-years, ! finished nine 100-mile races between 1991-1998, three of them at the Angeles Crest 100-Mile Endurance Run.
This project is purely voluntary. The eventual goal is a book, with gallery shows in between. If you like what you've seen, please sign a standard model release form. Then mail it back to me. If you know your bib number, and remember who you're standing with, write it on the back of the form.
Thanks again to the ultrarunning community—the runners, the race directors who let me set up at the finish lines, and the friends who have all given freely of time, advice and technical expertise to make all this possible. |